How can I place an order?

You can either look for specific products by entering their colour, pattern, article number or name in the search field, or browse comfortably using the left-hand navigation menu. Return process To order something, click on the button "Add to basket". The item(s) in which you're interested will be added to your shopping basket.


Here you can see all the goods in your basket. You can adjust the quantity and remove unwanted items. Payment and shipping methods can be selected, too. With a click on the "Proceed to checkout" button, you start the order process.


If you're not yet logged in, please log in now. Enter your e-mail address and the password you've chosen.

Is this your first order in our shop?

You may register now (to trace your purchase and save time during your next visit) or proceed directly to checkout as a guest.

Invoice information | Invoice address

Please provide your full invoice address. If you want your goods delivered to another address, select "Deliver to a different address".

Delivery information | Delivery address

In this step please chose the address your goods should be delivered to. If the correct address is not yet available, please enter another delivery address.

Payment information

Please choose a payment method. We offer the following: Payment by credit card, PayPal or prepayment by bank transfer.

Purchase Overview

At the final stage you'll receive an overview of all the information entered, including the articles ordered and the total price. You can check everything and make any necessary changes. You'll also be asked to confirm that you have read and understood our Terms and Conditions.

By clicking the button "Place order" you place a legally-binding order. The purchase contract is concluded by the final confirmation e-mail.